Daun sal amat sesuai untuk anyaman tudung saji kerana sifatnya yang halus, lembut dan tidak mudah reput. Jalinan daun-daun sal menghasilkan tudung saji yang berkualiti, kemas dan teratur. Keindahan corak-corak kelarai dengan gabungan warna-warna menarik memberi nilai estetik pada tudung saji daun sal.
The leaves of sal plants are very suitable to be woven and turned into conical food covers. The suitability is due to the characteristics of the leaves which are fine, pliable and do not rot easily. Woven sal leaves can be made into food covers of high quality, are neat and tidy. The beauty of the patterns combined with attractive colours as decorations gives the conical food cover an aesthetical value.
Sumber : Bahagian Pemuliharaan, Kraftangan Malaysia
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, Rabu, Februari 20, 2013
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